Neighbors young and old forced to leave Ogden homes after historic flooding

NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC (WWAY) — North New Hanover County was devastated with unprecedented flooding after Florence hit. In a WWAY follow up, we met with neighbors of one neighborhood devastated by flooding.
Along one street in Glen Ridge, multiple families were displaced. At the same time, multiple neighbors stepped up to give what they could. Even if it meant giving a spare room.
“There’s already mold on it,” said Holly Vineyard looking at her old high school photos that sat in a box in the families flooded garage.
Priceless memories are now covered in mold. Creating new memories and experiences for Chad Shouler and Vineyard that they will never forget.
“Very last minute before we left,” said Shouler.
The two says they almost did not leave their Glen Ridge home before Florence hit. It’s a good thing they did. Flood waters reached nearly a foot inside forcing them outside and into a hotel .
“We did not plan on this at all,” said Vineyard. “And it’s sad because we had just moved in and it just felt like it was where we needed to be.”
Vineyard says they were too late to get renters insurance before the storm. Nearly all of their personal items are gone.
“The water just came pouring out of this one,” said Barbara “Bobby” O’Neill scanning what use to be her bathroom.
Just two doors down Bobby O’Neill had similar damage to her home.
“You know there were only two devastating things in my life and that was the loss of my husband and this was the second thing,” said O’Neill.
Unlike Holly and Chad, she didn’t leave.
“Water was pouring in through the baseboards so maybe when it was two inches high in my house, my cats and I got on my bed and we were just going to stay there and pray,” said O’Neill.
She got out with the help of a neighbor and was rescued. The neighborhood suffered historic flooding unlike ever before according to neighbors.
O’Neill had insurance, but there are some things it can’t even replace.
“Every time they took something down that was damaged, I thought my husband put that up when he was alive so it’s sad in many ways.”
Through the sadness and loss there’s come selflessness and grace. Steven and Kathy Stilwell opened their home up to O’Neill as her home is being repaired.
For Holly and Chad, neighbors are donating items like food and clothes.
that kindness is their fuel to move forward.
“Everyone that has found out who we are have really made sure to step up in every way possible and it’s been amazing,” said Vineyard.